Well about a month ago I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that one thing I have neglected all summer is me!!! Yeah I took vacations and did some amazing things but I have forgotten about my health. So in September when I went to the doc for a checkup he was like uhhhh Nikki……you need to take care of yourself better.

So in a mission with my best friend Lonzy we joined a gym ( a new one for me) and started to take pilates. Dedicating at least 2 days a week! But that just was not enough for me so…… I hired a TRAINER!!! I have set a goal to lose at least 25 pounds…most people are saying where am I gonna lose it but believe me I can. My first weight in will be on December 5th with a goal of 5 lbs!

I cannot believe how hard this is not only is my trainer Merle is kicking my ass and I am sore every day but….I have to learn all over again how to eat right and not eat like crap. The hardest thing for me is the food…see with weddings on weekends and being late in studio you tend to eat whatever is around but now I have to think about it and paln ahead!

So being here in England is not helping with all the beer! So I have been running or walking every day since we have landed to try and not gain a pound. I got on the scale but not to sure if it is reading the same as mine from home but it says I am down 8 lbs.! Well see really on Dec 5th what I have lost.

Anyhow below is a pic of what my goal is to look like……….

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